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Metal nanopowders

source:原创 Pageviews:2905 issuing time:2017-11-16
Metal nanopowders are new materials with strange or anomalous physical and chemical properties, such as copper to nm, without conduction, while insulating SiO2 begins to conduct electricity at 20nm. The powder is a powder aggregate with a particle diameter of less than 100nm.
Nano metal powder can be widely used in aerospace, defense industry, magnetic recording equipment, computer engineering, environmental protection, medical and biological engineering and nuclear industry, such as the production of sealed spacesuits diarthrosis, stealth aircraft, large storage capacity of computer chips, and the detection of pathogens and development of anti-tumor drugs.
Since the production of metal nano powder requires high and difficult, the core technology is highly confidential, so far only a few industrialized countries such as the United States, Japan and other industrialized countries can be industrialized production. The purity of nano iron powder in China is 99.9%, the average diameter of powder is less than 50nm, the first industrialized production has been achieved in China, which has broken the situation of China's long-term import of metal nano powder.
